Unhealthy Parenting

23 March , 2023
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Did you ever have a boss or supervisor or teacher who was a micromanager? Who watched you like a hawk and swooped in to correct every misstep? Who offered constant ‘constructive’ criticism? Who endlessly gave unsolicited ‘advice’ about how to do better and be better?

How did that make you feel? Confident? Trusted? Supported?

Or unsure? Untrustworthy? Criticized?

As a parent it’s easy to slip into micromanagement mode when trying to grow our tiny humans into responsible and independent adults. 

But the reality is that micromanagement is as counterproductive with children as it is with adults, and it’s inevitably destructive to relationships.

So take a deep breath, parents, and learn to let missteps go. Let your children learn from their mistakes while you support and encourage them to try again. Listen to their ideas and let them try their own approach to things. Even if your way is faster or easier or more convenient, that doesn’t mean their way is wrong.



To raise confident, responsible, independent adults who’ll be able to navigate this wide world on their own, we need to let our children test their wings in the safety of our unconditional love, acceptance, and support.



© L.R.Knost





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