Ideas To Make Yourself Better Everyday

23 March , 2023
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1. Habit Algorithms:- 

 Anytime you want to establish a new behavior, fill out this simple formula:-

 After I have [existing habit], I will [new habit].
 For example: “After I have brushed my teeth in the morning, I will do 20 minutes of yoga.”

 Hundreds of scientific studies show that people who plan this way are about 300 percent more likely to achieve their goals.

 And the reason it works so well is that it forces you to turn vague intentions into specific algorithms.

 You remove the cognitive load of continually deciding when to do the behavior.

 And instead, you simply execute the algorithm whenever the situation arises.

 Give it a try — I’m sure you’ll be surprised at how quickly you can change your behavior!



2. Habit Seeds:-

 You can’t rely on motivation when you’re creating a new habit.

 It won’t work because motivation is unpredictable and constantly fluctuating.

So, instead of trying to “get motivated,” make your habit really small.

 Meditate for 15 min
 Do stretching exercises for 10min
 Read only 2 pages of a book

 This approach works exceptionally well and that’s because when you start with a tiny seed of a habit, you bypass the need for motivation.

 You can do it every day—whether you feel like it or not.

 And that allows you to be consistent enough that your habit can take root and grow naturally over time.



3. Habit Tracking:-

One of the easiest and most effective ways to change your behavior is to measure it.

 Research shows that merely asking people to track what they do immediately improves their performance in that area.

For instance, studies show that people who use pedometers will increase their physical activity by 27% and walk at least one extra mile per day on average.

 What gets measured tends to improve.

 So, whenever you want to make a habit stick, it’s a good practice to measure it.

 You can track your progress digitally in an app or physically on a calendar.

What’s important is that you turn your daily efforts into useful data.



4. Environment Design:-

 We like to think that we do what we do because of who we are.

 But in reality, we often do what we do because of where we are.

The triggers in your surroundings are constantly nudging you in different directions.

For instance:-

 If you have cookies on your kitchen counter, you’re likely to eat them.
 If you have credit cards in your wallet, you’re likely to spend money.
 If you have games on your phone, you’re likely to play them.

 In many ways, you shape your environment, and then your environment shapes you.

So, ensure that your surroundings support your intentions.

 Make good habits easy to do and bad habits hard to do.

That way, you’ll routinely do what you want yourself to do — without even thinking about it.



© Vanshika Garg


RUFA is an initiative by a team of eminent scholars and experts in the field of education including retired professors, research scholars, consultants and clinical practitioners. Our team is dedicated to serve the student community in preparing them to excel in their field.

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