Asking help

23 March , 2023
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Asking for help is not a comfortable practice but it can ease your workload by helping you to be more efficient, and successful in completing your tasks.

So how do you do it? 



  1.  Be concise and specific. Identify what you need and be clear with your ask. 
  2. Don’t apologize. Asking for help doesn't warrant an apology. We all need help sometimes and it's nothing to be ashamed of.
  3.  Make it personal, not transactional. People don’t like feeling indebted to others, and most importantly people are more likely to help you if you show a genuine appreciation. 
  4.  Beyond expressing your gratitude, follow up on your request with tangible results. Let the helper know how their help made a larger impact on your day-to-day. 

If you struggle with asking for help, consider taking time this month to unlearn old habits by making small requests for assistance.

Do any of the things on this list resonate with you? What’s standing in your way of asking for help?





RUFA is an initiative by a team of eminent scholars and experts in the field of education including retired professors, research scholars, consultants and clinical practitioners. Our team is dedicated to serve the student community in preparing them to excel in their field.

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